Instructions for a membership request
To become a member of IALM, please register by filling and submitting this Application Form.
You will be asked to fill in a form with all required information. You may designate 2 IALM members as referees for your application or two colleagues from the field of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Their names, etc. should accompany your application. You can attach your curriculum vitae to the application, if you so wish.
Once you have completed it, press the submit button. Your Application will be evaluated by the IALM Secretary and you should receive a reply shortly after. In case of acception you will get an acceptance letter followed of a payment link and your membership will be effective once we receive your payment. You will receive your login data in order to access the Member Space.
IALM members also have the option of becoming a member of the Forensic Anthropology Society Europe (FASE) section and receiving various extra information from this group.
By registering on the IALM Website and becoming IALM Member, you will be able to benefit from some contents, reserved just for to IALM Members.
IALM Members can consult the IALM Book to find other members of the IALM or suggest an international meeting to be published on the IALM website, in addition to other contents and services, like checking the status of your IALM subscription and renovate it online by asking for a payment link or via bank transfer.

Last update of the map 31/03/2023